By: Brian DeVault

Onboarding starts off the relationship on the right foot 

Onboarding is an organization’s first opportunity to show their new employee they value them and their time. In fact, Amy Hirsh Robinson, principal of the consulting firm The Interchange Group said, “Onboarding is a magic moment when new employees decide to stay engaged or become disengaged. It offers an imprinting window when you can make an impression that stays with new employees for the duration of their careers.”

Research by Glassdoor found that great employee onboarding can improve employee retention by 82%. However, on the other hand, Gallup found that over 80% of organizations don’t onboard well. 

At NETRIO, we put a huge emphasis on successfully onboarding all new employees. We have experienced a huge difference in employee retention and satisfaction. Now, when somebody comes in as a new hire here, they will have a welcome kit on their desk. This will include HR information and an explanation of benefits. Putting everything together in a nice package on their desk lets them know we are excited for them to join the team, and we take pride in our employee experience. A great onboarding process is something that most companies overlook, even though it sets the tone for the relationship with your employee. 

Offboarding procedures prevent security breaches

Employee offboarding can be a difficult process for organizations to nail down, but it is important to identify a process that can be streamlined to maintain security.  According to TEK Systems, “only 14 percent of IT leaders strongly agree their organization has an effective offboarding process, and at the end of the contract, only 6 percent of IT leaders report that they conduct a formal offboarding process where knowledge and experiences are transitioned from contingent workers to internal staff.” Not offboarding employees properly can pose serious security risks for the organization. 

In order to protect the organization’s security, keeping a detailed log and documentation of access points and system logins, network permissions, and more will allow the company to stay on top of offboarding. Next, it’s imperative that management and IT are notified immediately if an employee is leaving the company. Lastly, implement your offboarding action plan. Following the steps you have outlined will allow for a seamless transition. One bonus of working with a Managed Service Provider is they will be able to help you outline the best offboarding process to ensure there are no security issues when employees move on from your company. 

Offboarding benefits remaining employees

When someone leaves your company, it will ultimately affect the other people you employ as well. Between sharing the workload, or just the psychological impact it will have on your employees — having a good offboarding process can ensure that you are also thinking of your current employees. Employees want to feel secure in their position at your company. They will feel good knowing they are backed up by their company and that there is a plan in place, regardless of the circumstances. 

Bamboo HR states “an effective offboarding process helps reduce the chance that misunderstandings will persist after the employee moves on. When you take the time to get a clear understanding of the employee’s experience, you and your employee can part ways with additional opportunities for networking, development, and growth.”

This blog post is part of NETRIO’s weekly White Board Wednesday series. Follow along on Linkedin and YouTube each week as Brian and Mike discuss use cases, new technology, and trends. The goal is to provide insights for enterprise customers and channel partners, trying to solve complex problems using technology.