By: Brian DeVault

Every person dabbling in the art of internet technology should be aware of the facilities that run network operations.

A NOC, also known as Network Operations Center, is a location where IT technicians have the power to manage and monitor networks and servers. NOC facilities have become an important part of maintaining a successful IT operation.

Who runs a NOC facility?
NOC facilities have specific jobs appointed in order to stay organized. Everyone involved plays a role is making sure the network runs smooth and sound.

Two of these job titles include:

  1. NOC Technician – Monitors critical network elements and engages in positive network systems monitoring.
  2. NOC Engineer – Monitors large computer networks and analyzes centralized problems in network efficiency.

Both of these jobs are imperative to running a smooth operation. They each troubleshoot known errors and problems that can disrupt future operations, and ensure that the network and servers are up to date. The NOC technician and engineer can communicate with on-site technicians and even monitor software, network, and signal strength from satellites.

Why is having a NOC facility important?
facilities are important because they are a centralized location that supports safety and insurance to IT operations. We live in a digital era in which everything is stored and streamed through internet highways and tech. While being apart of a digital era is exciting and convenient, relying solely on operations without the help of experienced internet technicians can be a risk. NOC facilities are run by qualified individuals that help ensure the safety of system operations.

If you would like to learn more about Viglance and our NOC facilities, you can contact us for more information.

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