By: Brian DeVault

Navigating the Digital Waters: Safe Internet Practices and Email Security

The internet serves as both a boon and a potential breeding ground for cyber threats. This blog will focus on safe internet practices and email security to help business users avoid falling victim to online scams, phishing attempts, and malicious websites.

Key Points of Part 4 of this Series:

  1. Recognizing and avoiding suspicious websites and hyperlinks: End users need guidance on how to identify and avoid suspicious websites and hyperlinks. Emphasize the importance of verifying the legitimacy of websites before sharing sensitive information or downloading files.
  2. Email security best practices: Identifying phishing attempts and suspicious attachments: Educate business users on how to recognize phishing attempts, such as email impersonation or requests for sensitive information. Provide your end users with tips for handling suspicious email attachments and avoiding malware infections.
  3. Protecting sensitive information during online transactions: End users should be taught to focus on safe online transaction practices. Provide recommendations for secure payment gateways, checking for SSL encryption, and avoiding sharing sensitive information over unsecured networks.
  4. Implementing browser security settings and using secure connections: This point will explain the importance of configuring browser security settings, such as enabling pop-up blockers and disabling auto-fill features. It will also stress the significance of using secure connections (HTTPS) when transmitting sensitive data.
  5. Educating employees on safe internet practices and email etiquette: This point will emphasize the need to educate employees on safe internet practices and email etiquette. It will cover topics such as recognizing and reporting suspicious emails, avoiding clicking on unknown links, and exercising caution when sharing information online.

Stay tuned for the next series in the blog where we will cover the following key points.

  1. Understanding the risks of mobile device usage in business settings
  2. Implementing device encryption and strong passcodes
  3. Securing mobile apps and software updates
  4. Protecting against mobile malware and rogue applications
  5. Establishing mobile device usage policies for employees