By: Brian DeVault

In the final episode of NETRIO’s series on Project Management, Brian and Mike are discussing the final tenet of handing the project off to long-term support. TeamStage found that 70% of projects fail, and 42% of companies don’t understand the need or importance of project management. If your project has successfully made it to completion, it is almost time to celebrate. However, the final step cannot be overlooked. Passing off the project to long-term support will allow for long-lived success. 

In some aspects, passing off the project can be a difficult step and not one to take lightly. You have gotten through seven tenets of successful project management, and this blog post will help you see it to the finish line. 

Click here to view last week’s Whiteboard Wednesday episode where Brian and Mike discussed “Effective Communication In Project Management.”

View Video Transcript

Tips For Successful Long-Term Handoff 

  • Review the “How to Request Support” Process
    • Before the project can be handed off, the process for requesting support must be established. In last week’s episode, we discussed how different types of communication can be utilized for the highest efficiency. Take into consideration how the client prefers their communication and come up with an easy-to-follow plan that will work for all parties. 
  • Review Meeting Requirements 
    • In the planning and documentation stages, meeting requirements were likely established. As you pass the project on to long-term support, it is important to revisit this area to see if anything needs revision. Meeting requirements may stay the same, or they may need to be adjusted. Establishing the meeting requirements post-project hand-off will lead to long-term success. 
  • Review Long-Term Reporting Requirements
    • Similar to meeting requirements, it is a good time to review reporting requirements. Will they stay the same? In the same format? Be sent to the same people? Finalizing reporting sets the new team up for continued success. 
  • Review Regularly Occurring Procedures 
    • In this step, it is important to review things that will happen frequently. A good example would be on-boarding and off-boarding. 
  • Ensure Dates Are Clearly Defined
    • After all the above steps are completed, it is time to ensure the dates are clearly defined. Ensure everyone is up-to-date on the transition and knows new points of contact, the date of the transition, and all the other relevant details. 

This blog post is part of NETRIO’s weekly Whiteboard Wednesday series. Follow along on Linkedin and YouTube each week as Brian and Mike discuss use cases, new technology, and trends.