By: Brian DeVault

Highly Successful Project Management in the IT service industry is going to drive the successful outcome of any initiative that you’re beginning as an entity or an enterprise.

Brian DeVault and Mike Cromwell discuss how NETRIO operates when it comes to project management. In this week’s White Board Wednesday video, they bring their best tips and tricks that have led to the most project management success in their 30 years of experience. 

Here are the 3 Steps To Highly Successful Project Management In IT:

Step One: Get The Right People In Place

Arguably the most important aspect of Project Management is the team who is acting as the project managers. Ensuring you have the best team is an often overlooked detail. This person/teams role should be solely focused on project management. In some situations, the PM can have a sort of hybrid role in conjunction with something else, but in NETRIO’s experience, it is incredibly important for this role to be a heads down and dedicated function in order to be successful. 

If your company is looking to hire someone specifically for the role of PM, the candidate should be a highly organized individual. Having the background of your field and understanding how project management works is important, but if they are not organized — they are not the right fit for this type of role. Find someone who thinks logically and is able to group assets together to achieve the end result. 

Step Two: Establish The Desired Outcome

This simple question will frame the entire project and get everyone aligned on expectations for the project and outcome. The Project Management Institute states “Goal setting is a critical part of preparing for change and accomplishing project objectives. Well written goals provide motivation, focus attention, serve as a basis for managing performance, and evaluating change.”

If a project begins with the desired outcome known by the team and a step-by-step process outlined on how the team will get there, the journey to the finish line will be defined and everyone will feel clear on how to achieve the desired outcome. 

Step Three: Maintain Clear Communication

Communication is an essential part of any project. There are endless moving parts in every project and communication must be maintained from implementation through evaluation. Before the project begins, it is imperative to define roles. Discuss who will communicate with who and what exactly will be communicated. It is also important to discuss how you will communicate. At NETRIO, we use Microsoft Teams for internal communication. Establishing a communication plan will lead to a smoother pass to your desired outcome and make sure each individual is clear on roles and expectations as it relates to the project. 

This blog post is part of NETRIO’s weekly White Board Wednesday series. Follow along on Linkedin and YouTube each week as Brian and Mike discuss use cases, new technology, and trends. The goal is to provide insights for enterprise customers and channel partners, trying to solve complex problems using technology.